A neutral person who assists people who are involved in a conflict reach an agreement to bring the conflict to an end.
A formal hearing before a judge, involving the examination of the facts and the law related to a dispute, in order to determine who is responsible and how a party should be compensated.
An informal hearing between the parties and a Judge. Each party is given an opportunity to set out their position and attempt to reach a solution. If the parties cannot settle the matter then the Judge will direct it to trial and issue pre-trial orders, as may be necessary.
An informal opportunity for parties to resolve a dispute by reaching an agreement with the assistance of a mediator. Both parties are given an equal opportunity to present their side with the assistance of a neutral mediator.
A share represents specific rights in a corporation, such as to vote at shareholders meetings, and to receive dividends. The rights associated with a share are defined by legislation, such as the Alberta Business Corporations Act and a corporation’s constating documents. Contrary to popular belief, a share is NOT a property interest in a corporation’s…
Property owned by a person or company. Assets have value and can be used to meet debts or other commitments.
The person or company being sued is called the “Defendant.”
The person or company suing is called the “Plaintiff.”
An Estate is the net worth of a person at any point in time alive or dead. It is the sum of a person’s assets but excludes jointly shared assets with another person.
Generally we refer to the Personal Representative as the Executor. The legal term for the person named by the maker of a Will (or nominated by the testator) to carry out the instructions of the Will.