Vaccine mandates by Alberta employers are becoming more prevalent as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. As the COVID-19 vaccine rolled out earlier this year, questions were raised regarding whether or not employers can require employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. While employers were within their right to require mandatory vaccination as a condition of employment, especially…

With the COVID-19 vaccines rolling out across Canada, many employees are wondering if their employer can legally require them to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Currently, in Alberta, there is no legislation requiring employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, this may change once the vaccine is made more widely available to the public. At this…

Both employers and employees have individual duties to accommodate each other during unique situations like the current COVID-19 pandemic. For example, employers cannot discriminate against employees who have family status—it could be considered a Human Rights Violation—and employees, with families who are dependent upon them, must still do their best to work with their employer…

New workplace rules were announced by the Alberta government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain in effect until the public health emergency subsides. These new rules include changes to temporary layoff durations, notice requirements, and termination. If you’re an employer or recently-terminated employee seeking legal guidance regarding the Alberta Employment Standards Code,…

Do you believe that Gio and Sinclair were wrongfully dismissed from their jobs? You Be The Judge!

Should Marshall be fired from his job? Was the company right in putting video cameras in the bathroom? You Be The Judge!

A new legislation in Alberta is making it more important for Alberta employers and their employees to work together with the Workers Compensation Board to have a plan in place for employers to return to work after workplace injuries occur.

“So, Ms. Harfield, why do you want to work here?” Rupert peered at the job applicant. “Well, I’ve been successful with several businesses and I would now like to become a broker. I’d welcome the opportunity to learn from the best.” Rupert smiled smugly. “I might be able to teach you a thing or two.”…

Danielle’s eyes opened slowly. It was 5:55 am. “The only five minutes of calm in my whole day.” At 6 am, the alarm shrieked. Danielle shuffled towards her son’s room. “Frankie, time to start a new day,” she whispered gently. Frankie’s eyes opened with a start. “DON’T WANT TO!” He thrashed around in the bed. For the…

Having one’s employment terminated can be an emotionally trying and all around stressful experience for our clients in Sherwood Park, Edmonton and Yellowknife. Unexpected dismissal and lack of closure can leave a former employee in a deep state of confusion. The team of employment lawyers at Ahlstrom Wright often hear things like, “I’ve poured my…