Effective January 1, 2022, Alberta has adopted a policy of Direct Compensation for Property Damage as part of all motor vehicle insurance policies in Alberta. This change to Alberta motor vehicle insurance policies is automatic for all vehicle policies, and no one needs to do anything to receive it. Under this new policy, property damage…

Vaccine mandates by Alberta employers are becoming more prevalent as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. As the COVID-19 vaccine rolled out earlier this year, questions were raised regarding whether or not employers can require employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. While employers were within their right to require mandatory vaccination as a condition of employment, especially…

The Alberta Government has been reviewing and considering a shift to a “no-fault” auto insurance system, which means, in the case of a vehicle collision, each driver’s insurance company will cover their injuries and damages. The intention of a change to a  “no-fault” system is to expedite the process of vehicle repairs and resolution, however,…

The Court of Queen’s Bench recently issued a Decision in Infiniti Homes Ltd v Gagnon, 2020 ABQB 691. In this Decision, Justice R.A. Graesser answered the question of what “Without Prejudice” on a letter means.   What does the term “without prejudice” mean legally? The Court confirmed that marking something as “without prejudice” is not…

With the COVID-19 vaccines rolling out across Canada, many employees are wondering if their employer can legally require them to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Currently, in Alberta, there is no legislation requiring employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, this may change once the vaccine is made more widely available to the public. At this…

The Alberta Government is currently reviewing and making changes to the auto insurance system and considering a shift to a “no-fault system.” Under a no-fault auto insurance system, each driver’s insurer covers all of their respective payouts for damages and injuries, with the intent of expediting the process of repair and resolution. Under a no-fault…

Both employers and employees have individual duties to accommodate each other during unique situations like the current COVID-19 pandemic. For example, employers cannot discriminate against employees who have family status—it could be considered a Human Rights Violation—and employees, with families who are dependent upon them, must still do their best to work with their employer…

New workplace rules were announced by the Alberta government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain in effect until the public health emergency subsides. These new rules include changes to temporary layoff durations, notice requirements, and termination. If you’re an employer or recently-terminated employee seeking legal guidance regarding the Alberta Employment Standards Code,…

In Alberta, Nunavut and the NWT, all car insurance policies have mandatory provisions dealing with treatment costs under Section B of each jurisdiction’s standard automobile policy. These provisions are known as Section B Benefits, and they are based on a no-fault concept. This means that it does not matter who is responsible for causing a…

RE: Keith Macey, Barrister and Solicitor May 3, 2020   I was in an automobile accident in 2018. I researched on line, to find a professional well reviewed lawyer to represent me. It took no time to see that Keith Macey was that lawyer. All reviews pointed to the kind of lawyer I was looking…