Should East River Cemeteries pay for the loss of the urns? You Be The Judge!

If you need to update or create a Will in Alberta (Sherwood Park, Edmonton, Leduc, Beaumont, etc.) or Northwest Territories, call the lawyers at Ahlstrom Wright.

Are you unsure if you really need a will? Do you currently have a will and need to update it? Contact the lawyers of Ahlstrom Wright in Sherwood Park, AB and Yellowknife, NWT.

Does the money from the house belong to Mildred or her grand-daughter? You Be The Judge!

Ever wondered where your estate will go if you were to die without making a Will? Ahlstrom Wright’s real estate lawyers in Sherwood Park and Yellowknife are here to answer all your questions.

Should Liz inherit money from her father who passed away? You Be The Judge!

Should Frankie inherit? You Be The Judge!

The lawyers at Ahlstrom Wright are often asked to explain what is commonly referred to as assisted suicide. Often clients want to know if they can include their wish for assisted suicide in their Personal Directives so that if they are no longer able to make decisions themselves, their Agent can make the decision for…

If you have a loved one who has passed away and s/he has a Will naming you as the Personal Representative (otherwise known as an Executor), you will probably need the help and advice of a lawyer. The lawyers at Ahlstrom Wright can help you apply for Probate. What Is Probate? Probate is an Order…

What is Probate? Where death and taxes meet; Probate is the process that affects a person’s Will after their death. Probate, or a Grant of Probate, is an order from the Surrogate Court authorizing the individual named in the Will as the Executor to legally deal with the assets and debts of the Deceased. If…

A Personal Directive: Lets you decide who will make decisions regarding your health care and treatment in the event you become unable to (due to disease, illness, or accident.) Gives you the comfort of knowing that those who know your wishes will be in charge of making sure those wishes are carried out. Permits your…