Why Does Your Business Need A Lawyer?
A lawsuit, a customer who refuses to pay their bill, hiring or terminating an employee, leasing a new space, or finding a new investor; these are all situations your business might encounter. Businesses of all sizes should have a trusted lawyer on standby for when the unexpected happens.
If your business is incorporated, one of the easiest ways to start your relationship with Ahlstrom Wright is by making us your registered office. That way, we are a simple phone call away. Often, if your company is served with legal documents, they will come to Ahlstrom Wright’s office first.
6 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Lawyer For Your Business
If you are asking yourself “Should I Hire A Lawyer?”, chances are you do. There are many services that Ahlstrom Wright offers and there are many different reasons why you should hire a lawyer.
1. The Law Can Be Complicated
You might have business situations arise where you will not fully understand the legal side of things. For example, many business owners might not know that:
- If you terminate an employee they might be entitled to more than what is set out in the Employment Standards Code;
- The Business Corporations Act makes it mandatory for a company to file Annual Returns; or
- A non-lawyer cannot represent a corporation in legal proceedings in the Court of Queen’s Bench, even if they are the business owner.
2. Not Hiring a Lawyer Could Potentially Cost You More Money
Trying to deal with a legal issue without the help of a lawyer might actually make your problem worse or lead to a negative result that could have been avoided. Investing in a lawyer, that you trust, could save you more money in the long run.
Do you own a business?
Ahlstrom Wright can provide legal advice and solutions for business situations of all complexities and sizes.
Contact Ahlstrom Wright for more information.
Ahlstrom Wright has offices in Sherwood Park, AB and Yellowknife, NWT
3. Lawyers Know the Proper Way to Handle Legal Procedures
One of the advantages of having a lawyer on standby is that they know how to respond to legal emergencies. If your lawyer is your registered office, then there is a good chance they will receive legal documents first and can advise you on how to respond.
For example, if you are served with a Provincial Court Civil Claim or a Court of Queen’s Bench Statement of Claim in Alberta, you have 20 days to defend. However, the courts have different rules about who can actually file a defence on behalf of a business corporation. If you do not respond properly, judgment could be awarded against you automatically. If you have a lawyer on standby they can provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision, whether you keep the lawyer involved or not.
4. It is Better to Avoid Problems Before They Arise
Having a lawyer on standby is great when you need to react to a problem. It is even better if your lawyer can help you avoid the problem altogether. Consulting your lawyer at key times can save your business money later on.
Thinking about hiring your first employee? A new client asks you to sign a written contract? Entering into a long-term lease for some new office space? Advice from your lawyer now can help ensure that these positive developments do not turn into headaches in the future. Know your rights and obligations from the start.
5. The Other Party Already Has Legal Representation
If the other party has legal representation it is not the responsibility of their lawyer to give you legal advice. Involve your own lawyer from the outset to make sure your interests are looked after.
6. Ahlstrom Wright Offers Free Consultations
Are you still not sure if you should hire a lawyer for your business? Ahlstrom Wright’s lawyers offer services in all areas of business (corporate commercial) law for small businesses to large corporations. Ahlstrom Wright offers free 30-minute consultations. Come in and talk with an Ahlstrom Wright lawyer to decide what is right for you and your business!