Do you require legal assistance with any of the following areas of law?
Serving Sherwood Park, Edmonton and Alberta's rural communities
Suite 200, 80 Chippewa Road
Sherwood Park, AB T8A 4W6
Phone: 780-464-7477
Fax: 780-467-6428
Serving the communities of Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon
PO Box 1162
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N8
Phone: 867-873-2000
Fax: 780-467-6428
Toll-free: 1-844-558-8750
Ahlstrom Wright is proud to announce the addition of Meghan Golden to our team of…
Ahlstrom Wright’s senior lawyer, Lorne Penner has been a board member and vice-chairman of the…
Ahlstrom Wright’s Oliver Gommerud has been accepted into the Law Society of the Northwest Territories.
The lawyers and staff of Ahlstrom Wright are all proud supporters of the Saffron Sexual Assault Centre and are always seeking opportunities in which they can assist and protect victims of sexual assault. #WeBelieveYou
A new legislation in Alberta is making it more important for Alberta employers and their employees to work together with the Workers Compensation Board to have a plan in place for employers to return to work after workplace injuries occur.
This Movember grow a moustache, challenge yourself to get physically active and support those who do. Together we can change the face of men’s health.
On October 17, 2018, cannabis became legal in Canada. It is important to know and understand the new laws of cannabis in Alberta.
At this month’s Sherwood Park & District Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Meeting, Ahlstrom Wright’s…