The following story is a fictionalized version of a real event reflecting laws that may not apply to your jurisdiction. This article is produced for entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal advice. Readers are advised to seek legal advice relevant to their circumstances, the jurisdiction in which their matter pertains to and the laws in place therein.

Sandy surfed the web for the perfect bed and breakfast. “Here’s one with an ocean view.”
“Sounds good.” Brad replied.
“…or this one…with a stunning décor and sumptuous buffet….”
“Sounds good…”
“Brad, you’re not helping!”
“Whatever you choose will be great for our anniversary.” Sandy made a reservation at Willow Inn, a cozy lodge at the edge of a tranquil lake.
At the Inn, Rebecca panicked after she took Sandy’s reservation. “Abraham!”
Abraham left his muffin batter and came running. “Look at this reservation: ‘Sandy Marshall and Brad King’. Outrageous!”
“Rebecca…we talked about this…”
“I just can’t accept this. They must be an unmarried couple.”
“Honey, I don’t approve of that lifestyle either, but we have a business to run!”
Rebecca mumbled. “I don’t know what this world is coming to.”
A week later, Sandy and Brad pulled up to the Inn.
“Oh Sandy, what a great choice! Just look at that sparkling lake.” They walked inside.
“Oak beams, a stone fireplace. It’s like a walk into the past,” Brad marveled.
They approached the desk. “And look at that quote on the wall…” Brad remarked.
Sandy frowned. “It’s from the Bible. Hmm…I wonder what kind of place this actually is…”
“Come on! Don’t be so suspicious.”
Rebecca appeared at the desk. “Welcome! Can I help you?”
“We have a reservation. Sandy Marshall and Brad King.”
Rebecca’s mouth gaped. “What? YOU’RE Sandy and Brad? This is even worse than I thought…”
“Excuse me?” Brad was perplexed.
“…and you want to stay in the same room…” Rebecca started hyperventilating.
“Yes…of course.”
“And you’re a couple…?”
“Yes! What’s going on here?!”
“Uh…excuse me one moment.”
She dragged Abraham out of the kitchen. “See those two?” she whispered. “THAT’S Sandy and Brad!”
Abraham was shocked. “Those two men? How could they be that unmarried couple? Oh I see…” Abraham chuckled. “Well, that is a surprise.”
“I hardly see the humour.”
“Rebecca, please…just give them a room.”
“We can’t accept a gay couple here. I will not deny my religion.”
“What?” Sandy and Brad couldn’t help overhearing. “Why, that’s outrageous. And illegal. We’re suing!”
Rebecca fought for her beliefs. “This Inn is our home, Your Honour, not some big hotel. I have strong religious beliefs and shouldn’t be forced to compromise them.”
“It’s a bed and breakfast, not a church!” Sandy and Brad pointed out. “She had no right to discriminate against us because of our homosexuality.”
Was this discrimination? You! Be The Judge. Then look below for the decision.
Are you currently involved in a dispute?
If you need to take legal action, Ahlstrom Wright’s lawyers can help.
Ahlstrom Wright has offices in Sherwood Park, AB and Yellowknife, NWT
For a free consultation, contact Ahlstrom Wright.
“Pay Sandy and Brad $1,000 for discrimination,” said the Judge. “You can’t pick and choose your guests according to your religious beliefs. You have a choice: either close down, or attend a seminar on discrimination offered by the human rights commission.”