News Articles

The lawyers and staff of Ahlstrom Wright are all proud supporters of the Saffron Sexual Assault Centre and are always seeking opportunities in which they can assist and protect victims of sexual assault. #WeBelieveYou

A new legislation in Alberta is making it more important for Alberta employers and their employees to work together with the Workers Compensation Board to have a plan in place for employers to return to work after workplace injuries occur.

This Movember grow a moustache, challenge yourself to get physically active and support those who do. Together we can change the face of men’s health.

On October 17, 2018, cannabis became legal in Canada. It is important to know and understand the new laws of cannabis in Alberta.

At this month’s Sherwood Park & District Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Meeting, Ahlstrom Wright’s…

The Sherwood Park & District Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its 41th Annual Awards…

Each year thousands of Canadians become victims of scams via phone calls, emails, and even…

AUGUST 3, 2018 – Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA – Ahlstrom Wright’s former Student at Law,…

You Can Now Take a Virtual Tour of the Calgary and Edmonton Courthouses Have you…

Last weekend, the Ahlstrom Wright team spent their Saturday at the SAFFRON Centre Consent Event…

On Thursday, May 24th, a few lawyers from Ahlstrom Wright had the honour of attending…

MAY 22, 2018 – Edmonton, AB, CANADA – Ahlstrom Wright immigration and family lawyer, Nerissa…